Repo (script)

Repo is a tool that Google built on top of Git to manage the many Git repositories, do the uploads to revision control system, and automate parts of the Android development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. The repo command is an executable Python script that can be put anywhere in the development system.[1]


Reason for creation

According to the Google OpenSource Blog the reason this tool was created was, with approximately 8.5 million lines of code (not including things like the Linux Kernel), keeping this all in one Git tree would've been problematic because these requirements would not have been met:

A tool on top of Git

Git is an open-source version control system designed to handle very large projects that are distributed over multiple repositories. In the context of Android, Git is used for local operations such as local branching, commits, diffs, and edits. Repo is used for across-network operations. For example, with a single Repo command it is possible to download files from multiple repositories into your local working directory.

Automated Installation

The shell script will automatically perform the operations described in the various Command Line Configuration and installation instructions, and will work with any of the package managers described therein.


  1. ^

External links